To build your online business with passion, you have to learn to find and do things that you are passionate about. And you can be passionate enough, motivated enough in life if you knew that there was a definite achievable goal that you could work towards. You might be at that stage in life where you are living a routine life going through the motions of everyday life without any sense of purpose or passion for what you are doing. Deep down you have a sense of frustration, a yearning to do something more, go someplace else but fear and uncertainty pull you down. Fear not, take it step by step and slowly you will find yourself more motivated, more fired up and you will start living your life with more passion.
The very first thing to do is to identify your goal posts. You know with certainty that you do not want to be where you are in say 5 years time but do you know where you want to be? Where exactly do you want to be 10 years from now, or say 5 years from now or even next year?
It is never easy to set yourselves goals for even a year leave alone for 5 years or 10 years. Some are fearful of setting themselves goals that they may never achieve. They feel that having a goal is like dreaming big and like dreams; very few will ever come true. First, what many do not realize is that this is always a self-fulfilling prophecy - since you never set yourself a goal, you can never truly work towards one. Never ever underestimate the importance of having specific goals in mind and working towards them. In fact most successful men and women always write down what their goals are and continue working on them. Secondly, having goals and successfully working towards them can prove to be tremendous motivating factors. You have a sense of purpose as you actively pursue your goals, overcome obstacles and fight adversities but also a sense of fulfillment when you come closer to achieving them.
So go ahead, find yourself a quiet space, give yourself some time and plan out what your goals should be. This is probably the most difficult phase of redefining your life but also one that will prove to be the most influential one. So be patient and realistic. Read through the following guidelines - then outline all your important goals and a timeline to achieve them.
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